Sunday, July 31, 2011

baga in a bathtub

well... if anyone was paying attention. Which no one was, cheers for that.

I have not been keeping up with the one drawing per day... boohoo..

Never was that good at being consistent but always great at come backs!!

so here's the latest installment

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Tinah Reply to Almost Anything part 1

so one of my fabulous friend, Hot Donna, is having semi drama with girl A, lets call her Triso. (Just because I like making up names)

This is the scenario as I understand it - (all conversations are fictional)

So Donna met Triso a while back, they became friends and Donna said "Yo girl I like you wana bone? I mean date?"

Triso says "aw that's nice, I like you too but I'm in a relationship now that I may or may not want to be in even if it's completely retarded cause I'm just dating because I am a serial dater. But lets be friends!"
And Donna's too nice so they stayed friends. How lesbo of them.

Then Triso texted Donna and says "Hay girl I just broke up with my gf, *wink wink*"

wahh wahh then whole week later (or some time approximate) hot Donna receives a text from Triso "I know you'll think its a bad idea but were back together, its never felt so right.. blah blah"

By now Donna has wised up about all Triso's drama and wants nothin to do with it cause she already told Triso that her relationship was a bad idea in the first place. So she's a smart girl and does not reply. Low and behold we all know how biotches are when you ignore them.... even though they can ignore you for weeks on end...

"Are you ignoring me??" - Triso

Whaddaya think biotch?! Now Donna being the good girl's not gonna reply, but hay when u got a friend like me I'm gonna use that situation to the fullest baby!!

TINAH'S REPLY - "This is an automated msg from Verizon (or whatever phone company you use). All jerky, self righteous, attention seeking msgs has been blocked as a brand new service we offer! You can get your own too for only $5.99/month with this special code - fkoff!"

All I can say is Donna should've sent it....

Stay tuned for more The Tinah Reply to Almost Anything!
Feel free to submit questions/situations for me to reply!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fattie wins

Super did not want to get out of bed today... maybe it's the mozzarella stick grilled cheese awesomeness I had last night along with two cups of hot chocolate(with whip always!!)

This is the reason my brothers are so skinny and I'm..... not..... Oh wells.. SOMEONE has to appreciate delicious fattening food around here!

At the moment though, kind of feeling like this..

I'm really REALLY good at sitting around and not doing stuff, but looking cool whilst doing that.

There needs to be a job so I can just... sit around and look cool. Just saying...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Keepin up.. staying up barely

Mm Day off...
That was yesterday, and honestly I had a whole list of stuff to do...
I probably ended up only doing half of it,
In my world is a BIG achievement.

One thing that I WAS gonna do but.... well went to the wayside of *air weighing* sleeping or post up a new blog.. Since I don't wanna get yelled at for not going to sleep early, AGAIN....(You know who you are) I opted for sleep first. I am seriously working on sleeping early... I need to but man why is it so hard??

But I digress, 20 min before I need to leave for work so without further introduction...

P.s. Did anyone strangle me whilst I was sleeping? Cause my throat area is reaaaally sore for some reason and I don't know why.

P.p.s What are some cures for morning blues??? Anyone??

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back on the (drawing) Horse

Hey peeps!

I am trying reallllly hard to think of something clever to say to RESTART this baby

However, the only voice in my head is my elbow saying #$^%^(*($#$%^^*&(%@@#&(!@#!
cus this is what it looks like atm...

THAT being saidd...
YESS exciting I know!!

sOOo some time in the last week I had an AMAZIN IDEAA (so I think... thought...)

I remembered back in the days whilst browsing some random peep's flickr site... or some photographer's web pagey thingy

ANYWAYYY she had a project >>> takin 1 portrait a day for 365 dayss

...damn she had a good idea.
I can't friggin steal it now...



so imma draw almost a person a day!!~~
(cause I know it won't be exactly 1 a day....)

So here was my first onee

inspiration(?) photo take from the interweb...

UR job now, if you choose to accept it.
Is to make sure I do AT LEAST 1 drawing every other day!!

permission granted to use most methods of motivation